Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day 2 - My Crush


Dear Crush ,
This past week you have helped me so much and been there when I needed you especially on Saturday night when you had been working and as soon as I told you the news you were there for me right away. However i'm sorry that I kinda stopped texting you that night just for some reason talking to you was kinda hard cause in my head what had happened was a positive to you and it is a positive and it still is i just had to be with some un-affected people for a while but i'm well over it now so thats all good. It's kinda sad that we didn't get to hang out this week but like you were mega sick and bed ridden and also my best friend had no fundage to go down to vist you but theres the BBQ next week that hopefully you can make it up for and have a good times because the male best friend is dying to get you off you tits :P. I don't know you that long so this is only a short letter but hopefully in the future it could be a long one who knows (mega cringe)

Ehigg92 <3

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