Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day 1 - My Best Friend


Dear Best Friend,
I dont need to title this I mean you know who you are, How could you not? Todays letter is to you. Currently i'm sitting in my room playing My Chemical Romance whilst your at a training thing for work. I'm so proud of you for getting a job. I'm trying to think what i want this letter to say, What I want it to mean to you My number one girl My only girl. I guess the best way to do this is to put myself in a situation where you would have to read this letter and it would tell you everything I wanted you to know. So lets say for arguments sake that I am writing this letter to you knowing that I was dying (touch would). The reason i'm using death is because its the only way i'll ever leave you life unless you asked me to.

So baby girl if I was writing this knowing my pending death was near I would want you to know that, They don't matter honey all the people who stood in your way all the people who pushed you down on your way to the top. All those ignorant people who make you feel in secure and all the people that made you think the thoughts you thought. I would want you to know that those people will never matter once your happy and I know in life its going to be hard to feel happy and that it isn't worth living and I know no matter how many times I say "Don't worry babez it'll be ok" you'll still doubt me and think i'm lying that how could this get any better how could this pit of self hate and loathing refill when i have fallen so deep the thing is that that hole will always get deeper because the people that don't matter will keep digging that hole and make it bigger but as i said before what do they matter at the end of the day they're just spades.

I would also want you to know that i'll always love you know matter where or when I am in life you'll always be on mind forever and always

I would want you to know that I love you even more for sticking by me during the rough times all the times i moaned and complained and we fought we always got back to being friends. I would also want you to know how easy it is for me to be with you. Being with you is like being 5 years old again its like a secondary childhood and the only worry i have is do we want ice-cream or pop corn first (always a tough question way tougher than any of that leaving cert stuff)

I would also want you to know that your the funniest person i know i only need to be with you two minuets and i'm in stitches.

Best Friend I have written you umpteen amount of letter's and they all mean the same thing that your my bestie and i love you so i shall conclude this letter with a lyric thats so true to us and i really hope you get it

"Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I'll get a chance to see you
When I close my eyes I'm going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide?"

Love Always,
Ethan <3